
Undergraduate Courses

I teach undergraduate courses for Engineering (Mechatronics and Logistics). Since 2016, I’ve been teaching:

EMB5630 Programação II

The course is basically data structures in C. It covers pointers, files, recursion, structs, abstract data types, linked lists, stacks, queues, tress, binary trees, binary search trees, and sorting algorithms.

EMB5938 Grafos e Redes

Graphs and networks for engineering, covering: basic concepts, graph traversal, shortest paths, maximum flow, minimum spanning trees, location of centers, medians, set covering, set partitioning, and coloring.

EMB5617 Sistemas Inteligentes

Classical AI search procedures, intelligent systems applications, and machine learning concepts. Regarding the latter, it covers unsupervised (clustering) and supervised learning methods (classification and regression).

Graduate Courses (Master’s Level)

I’ve been teaching the following courses at PPGESE.

ESE410035 - Introdução ao Aprendizado de Máquina

Introduction to machine learning. Supervised methods for classification and regression: kNN, NN, MLP, SVM, SVR, and Decision Tree Models. Cluster analysis basics, covering k-means and hierarchical methods. Metrics for model evaluation covering both the supervised and unsupervised setting. Applications in Engineering.

ESE410019 - Metodologia Científica

Research 101 - The basics of research methods.